1 year ago 60

The product SikaGrout® 212 is a non-shrink, cementitious grout used for structural grouting of various components such as column base plates, machine base plates, anchor rods, and bearing plates. It is non-metallic, contains no chloride, and has a unique 2-stage shrinkage compensating mechanism. The grout is composed of quartz (SiO2), Portland cement, and aluminum oxide, with the exact concentration of aluminum oxide withheld as a trade secret

. The product is designed to provide multiple fluidity with a single component, is easy to use, and meets ASTM C-1107 (Grade C) standards. It is also USDA-approved and shows positive expansion when tested in accordance with ASTM C-827. The product is resistant to oil and water, has low heat build-up, and is freeze/thaw resistant

. The SikaGrout® 212 does not contain any components considered to be either persistent, bioaccumulative, or toxic

. There are no specific positive or negative details mentioned in the search results.