active residency income scheme calabria

1 year ago 76

The "Active Residency Income" project in Calabria, Italy, aims to promote the repopulation of municipalities with less than 2,000 inhabitants by offering financial incentives to new residents who are willing to start a business and relocate to the area. Here are the key details, positive and negative aspects, and some information on the ingredients or materials involved:

Program Details

  • The project offers up to €28,000 per person over a maximum of three years for those who decide to start their business and move their residence to one of the Calabrian municipalities with less than 2,000 inhabitants
  • New residents will be asked to kickstart a small business, either from scratch or by taking up preexisting offers of specific professionals wanted by the project
  • The purpose of the project is to promote the repopulation of the Calabria municipalities, boost their economic development, and urban regeneration

Positive Aspects

  • The project provides a financial incentive for individuals to revitalize and contribute to the development of depopulated areas in Calabria
  • It offers an opportunity for individuals to live in an idyllic village in Italy's deep South and potentially start a new business

Negative Aspects

  • The project is currently not activated, and the application process is expected to be launched online in the next few weeks
  • The exact monthly amount and duration of the funds, as well as other technical details, are still being refined

Ingredients or Materials

The project does not involve specific ingredients or materials, as it is a residency and income scheme aimed at promoting the repopulation and economic development of certain municipalities in Calabria. In summary, the "Active Residency Income" project in Calabria, Italy, offers a financial incentive for individuals, particularly those under 40, to start a business and relocate to municipalities with less than 2,000 inhabitants. While the project presents an opportunity for individuals to contribute to the revitalization of these areas, it is important to note that the application process and technical details are still being finalized.