antiperspirant vs deodorant الفرق review

11 months ago 21

Deodorant and antiperspirant are two different products that are often used interchangeably. Here are the key differences between the two:


  • Masks odor
  • Contains antibacterials and fragrances to reduce underarm bacteria and mask body odor
  • Does not contain aluminum
  • Considered a cosmetic product and does not require FDA premarket approval in most cases
  • Can be applied to feet and other parts of the body


  • Reduces how much you sweat
  • Contains aluminum-based compounds that temporarily block sweat pores
  • Forms a gel when applied that temporarily plugs and blocks the sweat glands on your skin, reducing the amount of sweat that seeps through
  • May also reduce body odor, although this is not its primary function
  • Considered a drug and is regulated by the FDA
  • Can be found in a variety of forms, such as creams, sprays, powders, roll-ons, and towels
  • Typically used on underarm areas

Its important to note that some products function as both deodorant and antiperspirant. When choosing between the two, its best to read the labels and consider your personal needs and preferences. Here are some additional details about the ingredients and materials used in deodorants and antiperspirants:

Deodorant ingredients and materials

  • Antibacterials
  • Fragrances
  • Triclosan
  • Triclocarban
  • Quaternary ammonium compounds

Antiperspirant ingredients and materials

  • Aluminum-based compounds (such as aluminum zirconium, aluminum chlorohydrate, and aluminum chloride)
  • Other metals that block the release of perspiration from sweat glands

While both deodorants and antiperspirants can be beneficial, there are some potential risks associated with their use. For example, some people may be allergic to certain ingredients in these products, and there are concerns that the aluminum-based compounds in antiperspirants may affect the estrogen receptors of breast cells. Its important to read labels and talk to a healthcare provider if you have any concerns.