Art of scent product details, positive, negative, ingredients or materials:
- Fragrances are both a science and an art, and defining a quality fragrance is elusive and subjective.
- A quality fragrance is distinguished by its balance of the note pyramid, longevity, depth, and complexity.
- A fine fragrance is only as good as the essential oils it contains, and the purchaser of these oils is the one who determines the ultimate quality of any manufactured scent.
- The ingredients used in fragrances are considered a "trade secret" and are therefore protected from disclosure, even to regulators or manufacturers.
- A single scent may contain anywhere from 50 to 300 distinct chemicals, and about 4,000 chemicals are currently used to scent products.
- Three-quarters of the toxic chemicals detected in a test of 140 products came from fragrance, and the chemicals identified were linked to chronic health issues, including cancer.
- Fragrance formulations are evaluated for safety, and the safety evaluation of the large number of diverse chemicals used as fragrance ingredients follows a systematic prioritization of data generation and analysis.
- Artificial fragrances can contain toxins and dangerous chemicals without openly disclosing what they added to the product, including carcinogens, allergens, and hormone disruptors.
- Natural scents are a safer alternative to artificial fragrances, and more people are becoming aware of the dangers of artificial fragrances and supporting companies that scent naturally instead.