cold sore cream

1 year ago 142

Here are some details about different cold sore creams, including their ingredients, positive and negative aspects:

  • Active ingredient: Docosanol 10%
  • Positive aspects: It is used to treat cold sores and fever blisters.
  • Negative aspects: None mentioned.
  1. Natural Cold Sore Topical:
  • Ingredients: Petrolatum, lanolin, mineral oil, dimethicone, glycerin, lecithin, and propylene glycol.
  • Positive aspects: It contains natural ingredients and is used to treat cold sores.
  • Negative aspects: None mentioned.
  1. ZOVIRAX Cold Sore Cream:
  • Active ingredient: Aciclovir
  • Positive aspects: It is used to treat cold sores.
  • Negative aspects: None mentioned.
  1. Forces of Nature – Natural, Organic, H-Balm Control Extra Strength Cold Sore, Fever Blister Treatment:
  • Ingredients: Natural and organic ingredients, including Manuka oil.
  • Positive aspects: It is a natural and organic product that is used to treat cold sores and fever blisters.
  • Negative aspects: None mentioned.
  1. Bio-First Lip Sore Cream Rapid Response Cold Sore Solution:
  • Ingredients: Natural ingredients, including Manuka oil.
  • Positive aspects: It contains natural ingredients and is used to treat cold sores.
  • Negative aspects: None mentioned.
  1. ABREVA- docosanol cream:
  • Active ingredient: Docosanol 10%
  • Positive aspects: It is used to treat cold sores and fever blisters.
  • Negative aspects: None mentioned.

Overall, these creams contain different active ingredients and natural ingredients. They are used to treat cold sores and fever blisters. No negative aspects are mentioned for any of these products.