defensil soap review

11 months ago 22

Defensil Pimple Defense Soap is a soap product that is designed to help prevent and treat pimples. Here are some details about the product, including its positive and negative aspects, as well as its ingredients or materials:


  • Defensil Pimple Defense Soap contains coconut oil, water, sodium hydroxide, and potassium azeloyl diglycinate.
  • The bar soap version of the product contains coconut oil, water, sodium hydroxide, butylene glycol, and potassium azeloyl diglycinate.
  • According to the safety data sheet, there are no additional ingredients present that are classified as health hazards.

Positive aspects:

  • Defensil Pimple Defense Soap contains active ingredients that are designed to help prevent and treat pimples.
  • The product is affordable, with a price of PHP40.

Negative aspects:

  • There is limited information available about the products effectiveness or potential side effects.
  • Some people may be sensitive to one or more of the ingredients in the soap.

In summary, Defensil Pimple Defense Soap contains coconut oil, water, sodium hydroxide, and potassium azeloyl diglycinate, and is designed to help prevent and treat pimples. While the product is affordable and contains active ingredients, there is limited information available about its effectiveness or potential side effects.