exercise for flat tummy and hips review

11 months ago 21

There are several exercises that can help you achieve a flat tummy and hips. Here are some of the most effective ones:

  1. Flutter Kicks: Begin lying flat on your back on a mat, palms face-down underneath your glutes. Core engaged, raise both your legs in a straight line until they’re hovering above the floor. Keeping your abs braced and legs straight, rapidly kick your legs – right and left alternately – up and down, stopping just above the floor each time. Make sure that your lower back doesn’t lift off the floor at any point.

  2. Side Bend: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, a dumbbell in each hand. Keeping your core engaged, bend to the left, feeling your waist contract. Come back to your starting position, using your core to raise your body up.

  3. Plank Pull-Through: Place a kettlebell or dumbbell near your hands and get into a high plank position, with both hands flat on the floor. Engage your core and pull the weight through your arms with your opposite hand, keeping your hips stable. Thats one rep. Now, pull the weight back to its starting position, using the opposite hand to.

  4. Bicycle Crunches: Lie on your back with bent knees and your heels flat on the floor. Interlace your fingers at the base of your skull. Come into the starting position by engaging your core, lifting your upper body from the floor, and raising your knees so they’re directly above your hips. On an exhale, twist your torso as you bring your right elbow and left knee toward each other. At the same time, straighten and extend your right leg.

In addition to these exercises, there are other lifestyle changes you can make to achieve a flat tummy and hips. These include:

  • Cardio: Doing cardio, or aerobic exercise, is an excellent way to burn calories and improve overall health. Examples of cardio include running, brisk walking, biking, and rowing.

  • Strength Training: Strength training can help build muscle and increase metabolism, which can aid in weight loss and achieving a flat tummy and hips.

  • Healthy Diet: Fill your plate with foods that contain lots of fiber, protein, and healthy fats. Reduce your intake of sugary, salty, highly processed foods. If you’re prone to bloating, avoid foods such as beans, gluten, and dairy products.

Its important to note that there is no one exercise or diet that will magically give you a flat tummy and hips. Consistency and dedication are key to achieving your goals.