gurunanda toothpaste review

1 year ago 74

GuruNanda offers a range of oral care products, including toothbrushes, mouthwash, and pulling oil. The GuruNanda Complete Oral Care Kit 3.0 includes a whitening coconut and mint pulling oil with tongue scraper, concentrated mouthwash, dual barrel oxyburst mouthwash, butter on gums toothbrushes, sonic toothbrush, and portable water flosser. The GuruNanda Better Gums Regimen 1.0 and 2.0 also include butter on gums toothbrushes, natural saline packets, and pulling oil. The products contain natural ingredients such as coconut oil, peppermint, clove, oregano, and tea tree to support healthy gums, and vitamins D, E, and K12 to promote oral and bone health. There are no negative details available about the products.