gynecologist opinion on menstrual cups review

11 months ago 24

Menstrual cups are a safe and healthy option for managing periods, according to gynecologists. They are made of materials such as silicone, rubber, or latex, and most menstrual cups are made from silicone. However, some cups may contain dyes or fragrances, which can cause irritation or allergic reactions in some women. It is important to read the product label before use to learn more about the materials in any menstrual product.

Gynecologists recommend menstrual cups because they can help eliminate vaginal irritation and dryness. They are also environmentally friendly, generate less trash, and require fewer purchases. Menstrual cups are reusable, easy to clean and maintain, and can last for years.

One of the major keys to using menstrual cups is to ensure that they fit well. If the cup leaks or is difficult to remove, these are signs that the cup doesn’t fit well. Menstrual cups do not affect vaginal flora, which is important in keeping the vagina healthy and free from infection. In fact, a 2019 systematic review and meta-analysis on menstrual cup safety found a lower prevalence of bacterial infections among users of the menstrual cup than among users of tampons or pads in two studies.

If you have questions about menstrual cups, you can talk to a healthcare professional before use. They can answer any questions you have and may be able to recommend a specific cup or other menstrual product.