h&m festive collection review

1 year ago 57

H&M Festive Collection: Product Details, Materials, and Sustainability

H&Ms festive collection offers a range of special occasion wear, dresses, tailoring, and accessories in vibrant colors and styles, including western wear and home décor. The collection features a variety of garments for women, men, and kids, with a focus on electric hot pink, shades of purple and lilac, warm shades of reds and oranges, and bold statement sequins in gold and silver. Additionally, about 70% of the festive garment collection is made from sustainably sourced and recycled materials.

Materials and Sustainability

H&M is committed to sourcing materials in a responsible way, based on OECD guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct and the UN Guiding Principle on Business and Human Rights. Notably, all cotton sourced for H&M Group comes from more sustainable sources, and by the end of 2025, all virgin wood used in their products will come from FSC™ certified sources. The company also supports the development of new standards to ensure responsible sourcing where no third-party certifications exist.

Moreover, H&M uses organic, recycled, and Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) cotton, which aims to improve cotton farming practices globally by training cotton farmers to use water efficiently, care for natural habitats, reduce the use of harmful chemicals, and respect workers’ rights. H&M also bans the use of hazardous and environmentally damaging substances throughout all production processes and has strict chemical restrictions for the yarn used in their garments.

In summary, H&Ms festive collection offers a diverse range of garments for various celebrations, with a significant focus on sustainability through the use of sustainably sourced and recycled materials, as well as their commitment to responsible material sourcing and production processes.

For specific details on the materials and ingredients used in individual products from the festive collection, it is recommended to refer to the product labels or contact H&M directly for more information.