hooded eyes vs normal review

1 year ago 81

Hooded eyes refer to a genetic trait where the brow bone and larger creases cause the skin to droop from the browbone to the lash line, partially or fully obscuring the mobile lid. This condition is common in people of all ages and typically affects both eyes. It can be a cosmetic concern and may also cause issues that interfere with vision as a person ages. Some people choose to treat their hooded eyes for medical and aesthetic reasons, using makeup tricks to maximize lid space and make the eyes appear less "hooded"

. The use of eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara can create the illusion that excess skin is less noticeable

. Hooded eyes are a normal and natural condition, so treatment isn't necessary for this condition

. The difference between hooded eyes and other eye shapes, such as monolids and double eyelids, lies in the presence of a fold of skin that partially or fully covers the eyelid

. If you have hooded eyes, you may need to alter the way you apply eye makeup for the best results