hosta care in fall

1 year ago 52

To care for hosta plants in the fall, you can follow these essential tips:

  1. Grooming : Cut back the faded hosta flowers to the base of the plant and remove any yellowing or damaged leaves. If the plants start to go dormant, you can cut back the entire clump to about two inches above the ground
  1. Watering : Keep watering the plants, but pull back on fertilizing as the foliage naturally starts to die back. In cooler climates, adding a layer of dry mulch over the roots can help insulate them
  1. Soil Preparation : Hostas thrive in a water-retentive soil, so it's essential to ensure good soil composition. Ideally, the soil should be composed of 50% solids (soil particles) and 50% pore space, with the pore space equally divided into 25% air space and 25% water space
  1. Mulching and Division : Mulch annually with well-rotted manure, compost, or leaf mould, and divide congested clumps every three to five years
  1. Pest Control : You may need to protect the plants from slugs and snails. Using copper rings around the plants can help, and there are also various baits available to trap and kill these pests

By following these care tips, you can ensure the health and longevity of your hosta plants, setting the stage for a stunning comeback next spring