how to get makeup out of white clothes review

1 year ago 58

To remove makeup stains from white clothes, you can use various methods and products. Here are some effective solutions based on the search results:

  1. Makeup Remover: Use a makeup remover, either in liquid or wipe form, to gently remove the makeup stain from the clothes. This is recommended by makeup artists and cleaning professionals.

  2. Rubbing Alcohol: Soak a cotton ball or the tip of a washcloth in rubbing alcohol and then rub it over the makeup stain. Rubbing alcohol is particularly effective at removing lipstick stains, as it can break down oily and waxy stains.

  3. Shaving Cream: Apply a squirt or two of shaving cream to the stain and let it sit for ten minutes. The cream will dissolve the stain, and then you can wipe off the shaving cream with cold water.

  4. Detergent: Dampen the stain with a clean white cloth or microfiber towel, then apply 2-3 drops of liquid detergent or dishwashing liquid.

  5. Pre-treat with Laundry Detergent: For waxy mascaras and high-pigment lipsticks, pre-treat the stain with a high-powered laundry detergent containing stain-combating enzymes.

  6. Spot Testing: Always spot-test anything that you arent sure is colorfast or that might water-spot before applying any cleaning solution.

Remember to check the fabric care label and material type before attempting to remove the stain, and for delicate or dry clean-only garments, its best to seek professional help.

By following these methods, you can effectively remove makeup stains from white clothes, restoring them to their original condition.