minoxidil shampoo review

10 months ago 18

Minoxidil is a hair loss treatment that is available in various forms, including serums, foaming products, creams, and shampoos. Minoxidil is a vasodilator, and it is not known exactly how it causes hair growth. Minoxidil shampoos generally contain only 1% minoxidil, which is weaker than the concentrations found in foams and serums. The FDA does not consider a product with 1% minoxidil to be suitable for treating male pattern hair loss. However, some people still use minoxidil shampoos to help fight hair loss.

Here are some details, positive and negative aspects, and ingredients or materials related to minoxidil shampoos:


  • Minoxidil shampoos are less concentrated than other forms of minoxidil, such as serums and foams.
  • Minoxidil shampoos generally contain only 1% minoxidil.
  • Minoxidil shampoos are applied differently than other forms of minoxidil.

Positive aspects:

  • Minoxidil shampoos may help support scalp health.

Negative aspects:

  • Minoxidil shampoos are less concentrated than other forms of minoxidil, which may make them less effective.
  • Minoxidil shampoos may not be suitable for treating male pattern hair loss.

Ingredients or materials:

  • Minoxidil is the active ingredient in minoxidil shampoos.
  • Mild shampoos are recommended to use with minoxidil topical solution 5% .