"Shimmer and Shine" is a childrens animated television series that airs on Nickelodeon in the United States and on Treehouse in Canada. The show follows a young girl named Leah who uses her oil-lamp necklace to call on her genie friends, Shimmer and Shine, to help her tackle a different task each day. Here are some details about the show:
Positive aspects:
- Illustrates for kids the positive side of making mistakes and learning something from them.
- Shows the value of learning from mistakes.
- Encourages a positive attitude and the willingness to acknowledge when youre wrong.
Negative aspects:
- Downplays any realistic consequences that should accompany the characters actions.
Ingredients or materials:
- There is no information about ingredients or materials related to the show.
- "Shimmer and Shine" can be watched on Nickelodeon in the United States and on Treehouse in Canada.
- It is also available to stream on Paramount Plus.