should you exfoliate before waxing review

11 months ago 16

Exfoliating before waxing is recommended by experts to prepare the skin and get its surface clear. Exfoliation helps remove dead skin, oils, dirt, and debris, making wax easier to adhere to hair than to skin. This allows the wax to work efficiently and painlessly. However, it is important to exfoliate at the right time and with the right method to avoid negative effects on the skin.

When to exfoliate before waxing:

  • Exfoliate 24-48 hours before your waxing appointment.
  • Do not exfoliate right before the waxing appointment, as it can over-sensitize the skin.

Methods of exfoliation:

  • Gentle exfoliation is recommended before waxing.
  • Avoid using acids for exfoliation before waxing, as they can make the skin more sensitive.
  • Use a mitten, loofah, granulated scrub, or DIY scrub with small and round microspheres, which are gentler on the skin.
  • Look for moisturizing ingredients, like essential oils, to add to the scrub.

It is important to avoid extensive exfoliation and the use of chemical exfoliators before waxing, as they can harm the skin and make it particularly sensitive to wax. Also, avoid exfoliating after waxing, as the skin has already experienced a lot of friction and stress.