tonka scent review

11 months ago 12

Tonka is a fragrant ingredient used in many scented products, including perfumes, candles, soaps, and lotions. Here is some information about tonka scent products, including positive and negative aspects, ingredients, and materials:

Positive aspects:

  • Tonka bean has a sweet, rich, warm aroma that is similar to vanilla, beeswax, or tobacco.
  • It is a versatile ingredient that blends well with many other scents, including clove, vanilla, heliotrope, bitter almonds, cinnamon, patchouli, sandalwood, rose, and lemon.
  • Tonka bean is a natural fragrance that can be used to create a relaxing atmosphere, promote healthy sleep, and even heighten sexual excitement.
  • It is also known for its antiseptic properties, expectorant effects, and use as a natural insecticide.

Negative aspects:

  • Tonka bean contains a chemical compound called coumarin, which can cause liver damage in high doses.
  • Synthetic coumarin is widely used in tonka scent products today, as it is less toxic than the natural compound.

Ingredients or materials:

  • Tonka bean absolute is a thick, brown material with an intensely sweet, rich, warm aroma.
  • Coumarin is the source of the tonka beans distinctive aroma and bitter taste.
  • Coumarin also occurs naturally in many other plants, including cassia, cinnamon, vanilla, sweet clover, strawberries, sour cherries, black currant, lavender, licorice, and apricots.

In conclusion, tonka is a fragrant ingredient that is widely used in scented products due to its sweet, rich, warm aroma and versatility. However, it is important to be aware of the potential negative effects of coumarin and to use synthetic coumarin in tonka scent products to avoid toxicity.