what age do babies start walking

1 year ago 73

Babies Walking Development

Babies usually start walking sometime between about 10 and 18 months old. Before walking, babies will usually have been crawling between 7 and 12 months and pulling themselves up to stand usually between ages 9 and 12 months. Each child develops at their own pace, and the average age for walking independently is 12 to 15 months. While the average age for babies to start walking is about 12 months, some may start as early as 9 months, while others may take more time and start walking at 17 or 18 months. Some signs that a baby will walk soon include pulling to a stand, "cruising" or holding onto something while walking, and standing without support. Its important to note that every child grows and develops at their own pace, and there can be a lot of variation among childrens development.

To help encourage walking in babies, activities such as crawling and pulling themselves up to stand help develop muscle strength and balance, which are essential for walking. Once a baby starts to walk, they continue to practice and experiment to improve their walking skills, such as moving from sitting to standing and back again, walking, and squatting to play. Its important to create a safe environment for babies as they start to move around.

In summary, babies typically start walking between 10 and 18 months, with the average age for independent walking being 12 to 15 months. However, its important to remember that each child develops at their own pace, and there can be a wide range of normal development.