what animal has the most chromosomes

11 months ago 33

The animal with the most chromosomes is the protist Oxytricha trifallax, also known as Sterkiella histriomuscorum, which is thought to have around 15,600 chromosomes. However, if we consider only diploid, non-polyploid eukaryote species, the animal with the most chromosomes per cell is the Atlas blue butterfly, also known as Polyommatus/Plebicula atlanticus, which possesses 448-452 chromosomes per cell. Other animals with high chromosome numbers include the adders-tongue, a fern with 1260 chromosomes, and the white-bellied pangolin, which has 114 chromosomes. It is worth noting that the hermit crab was once thought to have the most chromosomes, with 254 chromosomes (127 pairs) per cell, but this is no longer the case.