what are afos

11 months ago 16

Ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) are external biomechanical devices used on lower limbs to stabilize the joints, improve gait, and physical functioning of the affected lower limb. They are custom-made for each individual to encompass the foot, ankle, and leg, finishing just below the knee. AFOs are made from high-temperature thermoplastic and are supplied to combat a variety of factors, including muscle weakness, joint instability, and high muscle tone. They are fitted with a variety of purposes in mind, including controlling alignment, increasing mobility and independence, assisting rehabilitation, and/or reducing pain. AFOs are also provided with the intention of preventing deformity from occurring. Depending on a persons needs, they may be hinged (made to bend at the ankle) or solid (no movement at the ankle) and fitted on either one or both legs. AFOs can be used to support weak limbs, control foot drop caused by a variety of neurologic and musculoskeletal disorders, or to position a limb with contracted muscles into a more normal position. They can also be used as night splints to prevent contractures in some cases, patients with stroke, and other neurological conditions such as SCI and children with cerebral palsy. AFOs are made from thermoformed plastic material that enables modification and adjustments. There are different types of AFOs, each designed to treat a different health condition. The most common types of AFOs include solid ankle-foot orthosis, hinged AFO, Swedish AFO, and lightweight AFO.