what are burrs on horses

11 months ago 20

Burrs are a type of plant seed pod that can become entangled in a horses mane, tail, or coat. They are meant to be carried by animals and dropped somewhere to populate a new area. Burrs can cause skin damage and are a grooming challenge for horse owners. Here are some tips on how to remove burrs from horses:

  • Use oil: Douse the area with a detangler or baby/mineral oil to break up a mat of burrs. This will make it easier to remove them.

  • Apply conditioner: During burr season, keep your horses mane and tail clean and apply conditioner often. The conditioner will make the hairs more slippery and less likely to become entangled in burrs.

  • Use silicone-based coat polish spray or detangling serum: Apply these products directly to the burrs in your horses mane or tail. Let it sit for a while to soak in and soften them before attempting to remove them.

It is important to remove burrs as soon as possible to prevent them from causing skin damage or becoming more entangled in the horses hair.