what are chicanos

11 months ago 19

Chicano or Chicana is an ethnic identity for Mexican Americans who have a non-Anglo self-image, embracing their indigenous ancestry. The term "Chicano" was originally a derisive term used toward low-income Mexicans, but it was reclaimed in the 1960s by Mexican Americans as a symbol of pride during the Chicano Movement. The Chicano community created a strong political and cultural presence in response to years of social oppression and discrimination in a predominantly Caucasian American society. Today, the term Chicano is an essential component of the communitys revitalization and renewed sense of hope and pride.

Chicano culture is a complex web of sub-cultures and movements, including the Chicano Civil Rights Movement, the Chicano lowrider community, Chicano art, Chicano fashion, Chicano tattoos, and pachuco sub-culture. During the Vietnam War, a loose coalition of anti-war Chicano groups emerged into what would become known as the Chicano Moratorium.

Chicanos are Mexican Americans who identify with one or more of the social or political aspects of Chicano culture, including the Chicano Civil Rights Movement. The term "Chicano" is not a category that appears on any U.S. Census survey, but it is an essential component of the communitys revitalization and renewed sense of hope and pride.