what are enemas

1 year ago 52

An enema is a procedure where fluids are injected into the rectum to cleanse or stimulate the emptying of the bowel. Enemas have been used for years to treat constipation and similar issues, as well as to clean the bowel before any test or surgery. There are different types of enemas, including cleansing enemas, retention enemas, and return-flow enemas. A professional usually performs the enema procedure, but it can also be self-administered at home. The equipment needed includes a clean enema bag with tubing, water-soluble lubricant, a thick towel, a small measuring container, and all enema ingredients as ordered by a healthcare provider. Enemas can have side effects, such as disturbing gut bacteria and affecting the bodys electrolyte balance. It is important to follow the instructions carefully and seek medical advice if any complications arise.