what are functions in c

11 months ago 81

In C programming, functions are blocks of code that perform specific tasks and are the basic building blocks of a C program

. They provide functionalities such as reusability, modularity, and simplicity, making the code easier to understand, manage, and maintain

. There are two types of functions in C programming:

  1. Standard library functions : These are built-in functions in C programming, defined in header files such as stdio.h for printf() and math.h for sqrt()
  1. User-defined functions : These are functions created by the user to perform specific tasks, such as creating a circle and coloring it

The general syntax of a function in C programming is as follows



return_type function_name(parameter list) {
    body of the function

Key components of a function include:

  • Return Type : The data type of the value the function returns. Some functions perform operations without returning a value, in which case the return type is void
  • Function Name : This is the actual name of the function
  • Parameter List : A list of parameters that can be passed into the function, allowing the function to be called with different inputs
  • Body of the Function : This is the block of code that contains the statements to be executed when the function is called

To call a function, you need to write the function's name followed by two parentheses () and a semicolon ;

. For example, myFunction() is used to print a text when called within the main() function.