what are goblins

11 months ago 22

Goblins are mythical creatures that appear in the folklore of multiple European cultures. They are small, grotesque, and often mischievous or malevolent. Some key characteristics of goblins include:

  • Appearance: Goblins are small, dark-skinned creatures with big ears and noses, filthy yellow teeth, and thick brows. They can be stout or thin and have a rough, slightly high-pitched voice.

  • Behavior: Goblins are known for causing trouble and mischief, often by knocking on doors and walls, moving furniture at night, or stealing things. They are also said to help parents discipline children by rewarding good behavior and punishing disobedience.

  • Habitat: Goblins are usually found in caves, rock crevices, and roots of ancient trees in inaccessible places. They are nomadic and do not like staying in one place for too long.

  • Related creatures: Goblins are often grouped with other diminutive spirits and similar entities, such as fairies, demons, brownies, dwarfs, duendes, gnomes, imps, and kobolds.

While goblins are typically portrayed as malevolent or mischievous, there are some variations in folklore where they are helpful or domesticated, such as hobgoblins. In modern fantasy fiction, goblins are often depicted as barbaric foes of various human and "demi-human" races.