what are mosquitoes attracted to

1 year ago 56

Mosquitoes are attracted to various factors, including:

  1. Carbon Dioxide: Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide that humans and animals emit with each breath. People who have a high metabolic rate and emit more carbon dioxide, such as those who are pregnant, working out, or drinking alcohol, tend to be more attractive to mosquitoes.

  2. Body Odor: Mosquitoes are attracted to the smell of lactic acid, uric acid, ammonia, and other substances released when you sweat, affecting your body odor and making you a more appealing target for mosquitoes.

  3. Skin Microbiota: Research has shown that people with higher rates of carboxylic acid on their skin are more attractive to mosquitoes. Carboxylic acids are found in sebum, the oily substance that creates a barrier and helps keep our skin moisturized.

  4. Body Heat: Mosquitoes use body heat as a means of honing in on a target, so they are likely to land most often on those with a higher body heat.

  5. Clothing: Mosquitoes use visual cues to find potential meals, so they may be more likely to bite people wearing contrasting colors that are easier for them to see. Colors like red, orange, and black are the most attractive to mosquitoes.

To reduce the risk of mosquito bites, it may help to move outdoor activities indoors at dawn, dusk, and in the early evening when mosquitoes are most active, and to wear insect repellent and clothing that covers the skin.