what are nfc tags

11 months ago 27

NFC (Near Field Communication) tags are passive electronic tags that can be read, and under some circumstances written to, by an NFC device. They are a type of RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) technology that allows compatible hardware to both supply power to and communicate with an otherwise unpowered and passive electronic tag using radio waves. NFC tags are used for identification, authentication, and tracking, and they offer a low-speed connection through a simple setup that can be used to bootstrap more complex communication.

NFC tags are typically read-only in normal use, but they may be rewritable. They contain data, and their memory, security, data retention, and write endurance capabilities vary depending on the type of tag. The NFC Forum defines four types of tags that provide different communication speeds and capabilities. NFC tags can be found in various forms, including stickers, plastic cards, and hotel key cards.

NFC tags can be used in a variety of creative ways, such as automating tasks and enabling better communication between devices. They can even turn a home into a smart home. NFC tags are inexpensive and more secure than QR codes for many short-range applications. They are useful in situations where you might want to transfer small amounts of data effortlessly, such as tapping a surface to initiate a wireless connection. NFC tags are passive devices that draw power from the device that reads them through magnetic induction.