what are reflections

11 months ago 15

Reflection is a term used in physics to describe the change in direction of a wavefront at an interface between two different media so that the wavefront returns into the medium from which it originated). Common examples of reflection include the reflection of light, sound, and water waves. Reflection can occur at the surface of transparent media, such as water or glass, and if the reflecting surface is very smooth, the reflection of light that occurs is called specular or regular reflection). The laws of reflection state that the incident ray, the reflected ray, and the normal to the reflection surface at the point of incidence lie in the same plane, and the angle which the incident ray makes with the normal is equal to the angle which the reflected ray makes to the same normal).

In addition to its use in physics, the term reflection can also refer to the production of an image by or as if by a mirror. It can also refer to a thought, idea, or opinion formed or a remark made as a result of meditation, or consideration of some subject matter, idea, or purpose. In mathematics, a reflection is a transformation representing a flip of a figure, and figures may be reflected in a point, a line, or a plane.