what are sensory details

1 year ago 111

Sensory details are descriptive words or phrases that appeal to the five senses (sight, touch, sound, taste, and smell) and add depth and meaning to writing. They are used to evoke a mental image or sensation for the reader, making the writing more engaging and immersive. There are five major types of sensory imagery, each corresponding to a sense, feeling, action, or reaction: visual imagery (Vinan), auditory imagery (Aunan), olfactory imagery (Olnan), gustatory imagery (Gunan), and tactile imagery (Tanan) . Other types of imagery include kinesthetic imagery (Kinan), which pertains to movements, and subjective imagery (Orgnan), which pertains to personal experiences of a characters body, including emotion and the senses of hunger, thirst, fatigue, and pain. Sensory details are an important tool for writers to create vivid and memorable descriptions that transport readers into the scene.