what are the 3 compartments in a washing machine drawer

11 months ago 48

A washing machine drawer usually has three compartments, each with a different purpose. The compartments are typically labeled 1, 2, and 3, or with symbols such as stars or flowers. The layout of the compartments can vary from one washing machine to another, so its important to check your user manual to see how your compartments are labeled.

Here are the three compartments and their purposes:

  1. Pre-wash compartment: This compartment is used for detergent if you're doing a pre-wash of your clothes. In the US, this compartment is not as common in detergent drawers as some of the other compartments.

  2. Main wash compartment: This compartment is used for the main wash's detergent. It is the compartment that you will use most of the time.

  3. Fabric softener/conditioner compartment: This compartment is used for fabric softener or conditioner. It's important not to exceed the max line in this compartment and to dilute concentrated fabric softener to avoid jamming the drawer with excess softener. Some washing machines also have a bleach compartment.

It's crucial to add the correct product to the correct compartment when operating the washing machine to ensure the best cleaning results for your clothes, bedding, and towels.