what are the six rights of medication administration

11 months ago 24

The six rights of medication administration are a set of guidelines that healthcare professionals follow to ensure patient safety and prevent medication errors. The six rights are:

  1. Right patient: Identifying the right patient before administering medication is crucial to ensure that the medication is given to the correct person. This includes verifying the patients identity by checking their name, date of birth, or other identifiers.

  2. Right medication: Verifying the right medication is essential to ensure that the patient receives the correct medication that their healthcare provider has prescribed. Nurses should check the medication label and verify the name, dosage, and strength of the medication.

  3. Right dose: Calculating the right dose is important to ensure that the patient receives the correct amount of medication. Nurses must ensure that the strength and dosage match the order and that it is half, whole, or multiple tablets.

  4. Right time: Administering medication at the right time is crucial to ensure that the patient receives the medication when it is most effective. Nurses must ensure that the administration time matches the order and that before administering a PRN medication, the specified time interval has passed.

  5. Right route: Administering medication through the right route is important to ensure that the medication is delivered to the correct part of the body. Nurses must ensure that the route matches the order and that any transdermal patches have been removed. They should also be vigilant with look-alike and sound-alike medications.

  6. Right documentation: Documenting medication administration is important to ensure that the patients medical records are accurate and up-to-date. Nurses must document immediately after the medication is administered[[2]](https://www.health.wa.gov.au/~/me...