what can i do for constipation

1 year ago 65

Constipation is a common problem that can be relieved with some simple home remedies. Here are some ways to relieve constipation:

  • Dietary fiber: Increase your intake of fiber through your diet. Fiber adds bulk to stool and helps the stool hold fluids. Adults should get 22 to 34 grams of fiber a day.

  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water and other liquids to help fiber work better, making stool softer and easier to pass.

  • Exercise: Do some gentle exercise, such as going for regular walks, swimming, cycling, or jogging, to see if it helps.

  • Coffee: For some people, consuming coffee can increase the urge to go to the bathroom. This is because coffee stimulates the muscles in the digestive system.

  • Prunes: Prunes are a good source of fiber and have naturally present agents that draw fluids into the colon. They have long been used to treat or prevent constipation.

  • Magnesium citrate: Taking magnesium citrate, an over-the-counter supplement, can help relieve constipation. It is a type of osmotic laxative that people can buy over the counter or online.

  • Lifestyle changes: Adjust your toilet posture, exercise regularly, and check your meds. Many prescription drugs can cause constipation.

If these remedies do not work, you should consult a doctor for further treatment.