what can you do with a criminology degree

1 year ago 55

With a degree in criminology, there are various career paths that one can pursue. According to

, some of the jobs that one can get with a criminology degree include loss prevention officer, private investigator, jury consultant, and probation officer.

notes that criminology degrees can lead to careers ranging from paralegals and police officers to forensic psychologists. Other careers in criminology include working with victims of crime, youth in contact with the justice system, as a case manager for family violence survivors, as an analyst for financial crime, and as a lawyer, doing civil law, as mentioned in

lists careers in criminology such as college professor, researcher, writer, forensic investigator, policy analyst, FBI, NSA, DEA, or IRS agent, correctional officer supervisor, and police and detective supervisor. Finally,

suggests that criminology graduates may work in a number of settings, including prisons, courtrooms, police stations, government agencies, non- profit social service organizations, and more.