what can you drink when fasting

1 year ago 49

When fasting, it is important to stay hydrated, but it is also important to avoid beverages that can break your fast. The best beverages to drink while fasting are calorie-free, such as water, tea, coffee, and apple cider vinegar. Seltzer and mineral water are also acceptable options. It is important to avoid sweetened beverages, such as juice, soda, and bottled iced tea, as well as milk or other dairy-based beverages and alcohol. Some people find that adding small amounts of milk or fat to coffee or tea can help curb hunger, but it is best to avoid adding anything extra if you do not want to break your fast. Bone broth and smoothies are not recommended during fasting periods, as they contain calories that can break your fast. It is also important to avoid artificial sweeteners, as they can trigger an insulin response.