what causes dry throat at night

10 months ago 27

A dry throat at night can be caused by several factors, including mouth breathing, allergies, dehydration, and certain medications. Mouth breathing during sleep can lead to a dry throat, as it dries out the soft tissues in the throat. Allergies, such as seasonal allergies, can also cause a dry throat due to the release of histamine by the immune system. Additionally, dehydration can lead to reduced saliva production, resulting in a dry throat. Certain medications, such as anticholinergic medications, antidepressants, and sleeping pills, can also cause dryness in the throat.

To address a dry throat at night, it is recommended to use a humidifier in the bedroom, address allergens, and stay hydrated. Seeking medical advice is advisable if the dry throat is accompanied by difficulty swallowing or breathing, or if there are other concerning symptoms.