what causes lactose intolerance

11 months ago 27

Lactose intolerance occurs when the small intestine doesnt produce enough of an enzyme called lactase to digest lactose, which is the sugar found in milk and dairy products. The undigested lactose passes into the colon, where bacteria break it down and create fluid and gas, leading to symptoms such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, stomach pain, or cramps. There are three types of lactose intolerance:

  • Primary lactose intolerance: This is the most common type of lactose intolerance worldwide and is caused by an inherited genetic fault that runs in families. It develops over time and is more common in people of African, Asian, Hispanic, and Native American descent.

  • Secondary lactose intolerance: This type of lactose intolerance occurs when the small intestine decreases lactase production after an illness, injury, or surgery involving the small intestine. Diseases associated with secondary lactose intolerance include intestinal infection, celiac disease, bacterial overgrowth, and Crohns disease. Treatment of the underlying disorder might restore lactase levels and improve signs and symptoms, though it can take time.

  • Congenital or developmental lactose intolerance: This is a rare, inherited disorder in which the baby is born with little or no lactase. It is passed from generation to generation in a pattern of inheritance called autosomal recessive.

Factors that can make you or your child more prone to lactose intolerance include:

  • Increasing age.
  • Ethnicity.
  • Premature birth.
  • Diseases affecting the small intestine.
  • Certain cancer treatments.
  • Certain medications.

If you frequently have symptoms of lactose intolerance after eating dairy food...