what chai does starbucks use

1 year ago 55

Starbucks uses its own chai concentrate for its chai tea lattes. This concentrate is highly concentrated, meaning a small amount packs a strong chai flavor. The Tazo Classic Chai Latte Concentrate is the exact chai concentrate that Starbucks used to use, and it is still available for purchase. The Starbucks chai concentrate contains honey, and to make a true copycat Starbucks chai tea latte, it can be sweetened with honey. The chai concentrate used by Starbucks is not sold commercially, and it is more concentrated than the Tazo Chai Concentrate. While the Tazo Chai Concentrate is similar, some customers have noted differences in flavor and sweetness compared to the Starbucks chai concentrate. Therefore, if you are looking to replicate the taste of Starbucks chai tea latte at home, using the Tazo Classic Chai Latte Concentrate or trying to make your own homemade chai tea concentrate from chai tea bags may be the closest options available.