what choke to use for dove hunting

1 year ago 121

When it comes to choosing a choke for dove hunting, its important to remember that the wider and denser the pattern, the better the odds of hitting the bird. Here are some tips from the search results:

  • During the early season, it's recommended that dove hunters use either an improved cylinder or modified choke. These two chokes are very efficient from 10 to about 35 yards, which is the range where most shots will be taken during this part of the season.

  • Many dove shooters believe the best all-around choke for dove hunting is the modified. However, it's important to avoid over-choking yourself, as using tighter chokes can cause you to miss more birds that are closer to you.

  • For opening day, an open choke or even a skeet choke meant for clay pigeons can work, but an improved cylinder (or IC) is an even better choice. This gives you a little bit of extra range without constricting your shot pattern too tightly.

  • Some hunters prefer to hunt with an improved cylinder all season long.

In summary, the best choke for dove hunting depends on the hunting situation and personal preference. However, it's generally recommended to use an improved cylinder or modified choke during the early season, and to avoid over-choking yourself.