what colors help you sleep

11 months ago 23

Certain colors can help promote calmness and positivity, which can help you relax as you prepare for bed. Warm hues of red, orange, and yellow are better for preparing the mind and body for sleep. Red light, especially an orange-sunset red, warm and rich and extremely calming, is the perfect nuance to stimulate the Circadian Rhythm, probably because it reminds us of the natural sunset. However, red light can be difficult and confusing for other activities, so changing-color led light fixtures can be a good option to help set the mood when it’s time to sleep. Blue and green light can decrease drowsiness by reducing melatonin production, so it is best to avoid them before bed. Bright and cool-colored light can make it harder for the body to transition to a sleepy state. In general, it is recommended to keep your room dark for better sleep, but if you need light, choose warm colors like red or amber and avoid blue light from electronic devices as it can trick your brain into thinking it’s still daytime and disrupt your sleep-wake cycle.