what countries have universal health care

11 months ago 21

Many countries around the world have universal healthcare systems that provide government-guaranteed health care for all citizens of the country. Here is a list of some countries with universal healthcare, according to the search results:

  • Australia (1975)
  • Austria (1967)
  • Bahrain (1957)
  • Belgium (1945)
  • Brunei (1958)
  • Canada (1966)
  • Cyprus (1980)
  • Denmark (1973)
  • Finland (1972)
  • France (1974)
  • Germany (1941)
  • Greece (1983)
  • Hong Kong (1993)
  • Iceland (1990)
  • Ireland (1977)
  • Israel (1995)
  • Italy (1978)
  • Japan (1938)
  • Kuwait (1950)
  • Luxembourg (1973)
  • Netherlands (1966)
  • New Zealand (1938)
  • Norway (1912)
  • Portugal (1979)
  • Singapore (1993)
  • Slovenia

Note that this list may not be complete or up-to-date, and there may be variations in the specific healthcare systems of each country. Additionally, some countries may have limitations or restrictions on the benefits of their universal healthcare systems.