what course is seaman

1 year ago 59

Able Seaman Course

Able Seaman (AB) is a rating for entry-level mariners on commercial vessels. To qualify for an Able Seaman rating, one needs to be 18 years or older, pass a drug test, and pass a medical and physical exam. The course covers navigation, rules of the road, and marlinspike seamanship. It also includes examination requirements such as tying knots, splices, bends, and hitches.

Senior High School Strand for Seaman

In senior high school, students can choose a maritime strand to prepare for a career in the maritime industry. The courses offered provide basic skills needed to be part of the crew aboard a vessel. The available paths for the senior high school strand for seaman include the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) Track, the General Academic Strand (GAS), and the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand. Each track offers different advantages for pursuing a career in the maritime industry.

Seaman Class IV (Basic Training)

The Seaman Class IV (Basic Training) course aims to provide the basic qualifications for individuals who want to become professional seafarers. The training covers personal survival techniques, personal safety & social responsibility, fire fighting & fire prevention, and elementary first aid. Upon successful completion of the course through written examination and skills testing, candidates will receive a certificate in accordance with the STCW Code.

Courses for Seafarers

There are various courses available for seafarers, including chief officer training, master training, bridge resource management, shiphandling and maneuvering, dynamic ship positioning system, basic safety training, medical care, survival in cold water, and training of specialists for shipping companies. These courses cover a wide range of skills and knowledge required for different roles in the maritime industry.