what do angels look like according to the bible

1 year ago 56

According to the Bible, angels are described in various forms, and their appearance can be quite otherworldly. The Bible does not provide a definitive description of angels, but it does offer some insights into their appearance. Here are some biblically accurate descriptions of angels based on the scriptures:

  • Angels are spiritual beings and thus immortal (Luke 20:36).
  • They can take on different forms, including appearing as humans (Hebrews 13:2).
  • Cherubim are described as having four faces and four wings, with a bizarre appearance that includes wheels covered in eyes (Ezekiel 1:15-16) .

While angels are often depicted with wings, the Bible does not consistently describe them as having wings. However, there are references to winged seraphim and living creatures with wings in the visions of Isaiah and Ezekiel. These descriptions suggest that angels can have human features, voices, and extraordinary beauty.

In summary, the Bible does not provide a singular, definitive description of angels appearance, but it does offer various descriptions that depict them as otherworldly beings with unique and sometimes bizarre features.