what do dinosaurs eat

11 months ago 21

Dinosaurs had a varied diet, including plants, meat, eggs, insects, and fish. The diet of dinosaurs was similar to that of modern animals, with carnivorous dinosaurs eating flesh and herbivorous dinosaurs grazing on plants. Some dinosaurs were omnivores, eating both plants and animals. Dinosaurs that ate meat had to be able to kill and tear apart their prey, and they had long and strong legs to run quickly to catch their prey. Herbivorous dinosaurs had flat teeth to strip, slice, and grind foliage, and they also ate stones to grind up tough vegetation and make it easy to digest. The exact plants that dinosaurs ate are difficult to determine, but fossilized stomach remains or coprolites (fossilized dung) can provide some clues. Sauropods, which were the largest dinosaurs, were herbivores and ate plants like cycads, ferns, and ginkgos. Ornithischians like triceratops, ankylosaurs, and hadrosaurs were also herbivores, but they were smaller than sauropods and ate plant material closer to the ground. Some theropods, which are typically thought of as being predatory carnivores, were omnivores and ate plants as well.