what do i need to renew my tags in missouri

1 year ago 110

To renew your license plates in Missouri, you can do so online, by mail, or at any Missouri license office. To renew your license plates, you will need:

  • Your Vehicle Registration Renewal Notice. If you did not receive this notice in the mail, you may complete and print a copy of the Application for Motor Vehicle License (Form 184) from your computer.
  • Your owner name.
  • Year and make of vehicle.
  • VIN (last 5 digits) .
  • Current plate number.
  • Expiration date.

If you do not have a PIN printed on your license plate renewal notice, you can still renew online by entering information from your registration. You will also need verification of personal property tax for the previous year if the registration you are renewing was a one year. If your registration is not yet expired, or is expired less than 90 days, you can renew online. If you did not receive your registration renewal notice, you may renew at any Missouri license office, by mail, or by phone. It is important to note that a $5 renewal penalty will be charged if you renew your plates after the expiration date. Upon returning to Missouri, the vehicle must be safety inspected (and emissions inspected, if applicable) within 10 days.