what do you mean by hydrophily

11 months ago 18

Hydrophily is a type of pollination in which pollen is dispersed by the flow of water, especially in rivers and streams. It is a fairly uncommon form of pollination, and hydrophilous species fall into two categories: those that exhibit surface pollination and those that exhibit true submerged hydrophily. In surface pollination, the pollen floats on the surface of the water and reaches the stigmas of the female flowers, while in true submerged hydrophily, the pollen grains are heavier than water and sink down to be caught by the stigmas of the female flowers. Examples of hydrophilous species include Vallisneria, Hydrilla, Najas, Posidonia australis, and Zostera marina. The term hydrophily refers to the quality or state of being hydrophilous.