what does hu tao ascend with

1 year ago 52

Hu Tao uses Agnidus Agate gemstones to ascend, which can be obtained by defeating Pyro Regisvines, Pyro Hypostases, and other enemies. She requires a total of 1x Agate Sliver, 9x Agate Fragment, 9x Agate Chunk, and 6x Agate Gemstone for her ascension. In addition to the gemstones, she also needs Whopperflower Nectar, Shimmering Nectar, Juvenile Jade, Silk Flowers, and Mora. To level up her talents, Hu Tao uses the Diligence series, which can be farmed from the Taishan Mansion domain on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.