what does iss do

11 months ago 22

The International Space Station (ISS) is a large spacecraft in orbit around Earth that serves as a home where crews of astronauts and cosmonauts live. It is also a unique science laboratory where several nations worked together to build and use it. The ISS is made of parts that were assembled in space by astronauts and orbits Earth at an average altitude of approximately 250 miles, traveling at 17,500 mph, which means it orbits Earth every 90 minutes. The ISS is a symbol of international cooperation that has benefited life back on Earth economically, technologically, scientifically, and educationally.

The primary job of astronauts while on the space station is to conduct scientific experiments and maintain the station. The ISS is a platform for long-term research for human health, which NASA bills as a key stepping stone to letting humans explore other solar system destinations such as the moon or Mars. The laboratories on the Space Station allow for innovative space research projects to improve our understanding of the Earths environment and the universe in which we live. The research conducted on the ISS has given many insights into the ever-growing body of research that has been conducted on the ISS.