what does it mean when its a full moon

10 months ago 21

The full moon occurs when the moon is directly opposite the sun in its orbit around Earth. Spiritually speaking, the opposition between yin and yang, light and dark, makes for a potent time for surrender and a heightened sense of emotionality. As such, full moons are synonymous with closure and endings; of cycles, habits, relationships. The full moon calls us to release negative or stagnant energy and urges us to take action to expel or correct what we are made to face. In astrology, the full moon symbolizes emotion, the cyclical nature of all things, and feminine energy. Emotions can be extreme during the full moon, and full moon energy can manifest in the body in different ways, such as feeling extra creative, anxious, sensitive, or even exhausted. The full moon also represents completion, fertility, abundance, and transformation, when the seeds from the new moon come into bloom. It is a time to feel deep gratitude for the many blessings you have and experience. The full moon is the perfect time to look back on what you’ve accomplished during the past month and enjoy the fruits of your labor.