what does kava taste like

11 months ago 23

Kava has a very earthy and bitter taste, which can be described as muddy water or dirt. Some people also describe it as spicy or peppery. The taste can be difficult to get used to, even for people who have consumed kava their entire lives. However, there are ways to make kava taste better, such as mixing micronized kava with juice or making a unique kava beverage recipe. Kava concentrates are also available in flavors like Guava and Iced Tea, which can be more palatable than traditional kava tea. Drinking kava on an empty stomach can help to absorb the active ingredients efficiently, but it can also cause nausea in some people. Adding a slice of fresh citrus fruit like pineapple or orange can help to minimize the taste profile of the root. Fresh kava can taste flavorful and spicy, like licorice, but most people outside of the western Pacific don’t have access to the fresh crop.