what does the ovary do in a flower

11 months ago 19

The ovary is the female reproductive organ of a flower. It is located at the base of the pistil and contains ovules, which develop into seeds upon fertilization. The ovary protects and nourishes the surrounding tissue of the ovules and developing seeds. After pollination, the ovary swells to form the fleshy part of a fruit. The mature ovary is a fruit, and the mature ovule is a seed. The ovary is an enclosed structure that holds one or more cavities called carpels, which hold the ovules. During pollination, the sperm cells enter the ovary tissues through pollen tubes, which are guided by chemical signals emitted from the egg cells and tissues within the pistil. The ovary tissues are also involved in preventing sperm with certain genetic mutations from entering, which protects embryos from developing genetic mutations that may lead to infertility.